Charles Starrett


Blog, links, and…

Culture consultant & social tech teacher/facilitator at SoulCo & Northeastern University. He/Him. Dad, Harvard and NEC alum, visual thinker, dabbler in ukulele, electronic music, 한국어, and TTRPGs.


Seeing blindspots

As workplaces have become more aware of the challenge of unconscious bias, it’s highlighted the question: “How do we see our own blindspots?” If we have a particular belief, if we see the world a certain way, how do we see our own belief, bias, or perspective not as fact, but as just one of many possible points of view? How do we see ourselves from the outside, like an observer?

One was to do that, is together. If we are in a group of people who have built up trust and skills of presencing with each other, we can see ourselves reflected in each others’ eyes. We can starts to see ourselves as others see us, and we can start to see the world we live in as others see it.

Not only does this help us see our unconscious bias, but also our blindspots around our own weaknesses and strengths. How well do we really know what we’re capable of, and how often do we hold ourselves back because of what we think we’re not capable of?

What could change in your life if you spent just an hour a week in a group like this, helping each other to see not only yourselves, but the world around you more clearly?

With all the money being thrown at collecting data, what might deep data like this be worth?

21 August 2022

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